
Power Bullet Charger

There’s nothing worse than a gadget with no power. Really, it’s a sad thing that provides Geeks like us an endless amount of content for our dreams. I shutter to think of a time where I forget to charge my iPad overnight for example… the limp and lifeless body of the iPad just laying in my arms with no chance of providing access to my books, photos, videos, magazines, productivity tools or even access to ABC reruns or any of my favorite apps. This is a dark and cold place that I don’t want to think about and as luck would have it, there are products like the Power Bullet Charger!

The unique aspect of this charger over other chargers is that you can use a standard outlet or car charger to charge 2 USB devices. Thinkgeek has these black beauties for under $15 so it’s within all Geek’s budgets!

Buy now!
Price: $14.99
(Please note prices are subject to change and the listed price is correct to the best of our knowledge at the time of posting)

My 12 Favorite Apps for the iPad that Rock! – May 2010 Edition

iPad appsIn a couple of days I will have had my iPad for an entire month. In the past four weeks, my laptop and desktop machines have seen a considerable drop in use from me as the iPad has taken over several functions I had used them for.

The apps represented in my Top 12 Favorite iPad Apps are the ones that have helped the most with this transition plus a few other iPad apps that simply have caught my fancy.

I have a feeling this list will continue to change on a weekly basis with a few exceptions (the top 4 or 5 for example).

Let’s get started with the countdown with #12…

Multitasking finally comes to the iPhone OS

iphone os 4 multitaskingAs anticipated, iPhone OS 4 will get multitasking. Apple is touting over 100 new features as well in this version. iPhone OS 4 will work with iPhone 3G and 3GS and iPod touches from late 2008 and newer. The iPad will get this update in Fall.

What else comes to your iPhone this summer? Of note: a unified e-mail inbox, iBooks, and folder organization for apps (at last). If you’re a developer, then you’ll get another way to monetize your apps via iAd, Apple’s new ad platform for iPhone apps.

If you’d like to see Steve Jobs’ full keynote, you can at Apple’s website.

Pogue’s Review of the iPad

Sometimes it’s funny that the two of us are in the gadget blogging biz together. The iPad is a great example of that. Chief Gizmateer couldn’t wait to get his, and loves it. I on the other hand, didn’t really have any burning desire to own one. Not that I don’t think it’s a gorgeous looking gadget with a great deal of functionality.

Why is that? Well I think David Pogue’s recent review of the iPad included what I think is the main factor for me:

“And the techies are right about another thing: the iPad is not a laptop. It’s not nearly as good for creating stuff.”

And sure, there are going to be lots of people who are going to disagree with me, but I can think of two great examples where I’m better off with my ‘clunky’ laptop: lots and lots of typing and switching around my 2 dozen open applications.

By the way, just imagine – we’re so blasé about technology now that we’re starting to regard what is an incredible advancement in human history (a laptop computer) with disdain. Of course, you can guess that I’m still awed by technology on a regular basis, either in spite of or rather because I understand a fair amount about it.

iCade for iPad turns your iPad into a retro arcade cabinet!

icade for ipadIf you’re a retro-gamer, then you’re going to need to get an iPad and iCade, which is a litte mini arcade frame for your iPad to slide into. Then you can play thousands of old school, classic games like Donkey Kong, Q-bert, Pac-Man & Space Invaders with a joystick and classic buttons.

Naturally, the app for the iPad is free, but the iCade will run you $150, a small price to pay for the fun and memories you’ll have. Of course, your iPad also recharges while you play and there’s a little speaker in the cabinet for more authentic sounds.

By the way, in case you didn’t catch on, April Fool’s! Too funny ThinkGeek.

Buy now!
Price: $150.00
(Please note prices are subject to change and the listed price is correct to the best of our knowledge at the time of posting)

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