Power Bullet Charger
There’s nothing worse than a gadget with no power. Really, it’s a sad thing that provides Geeks like us an endless amount of content for our dreams. I shutter to think of a time where I forget to charge my iPad overnight for example… the limp and lifeless body of the iPad just laying in my arms with no chance of providing access to my books, photos, videos, magazines, productivity tools or even access to ABC reruns or any of my favorite apps. This is a dark and cold place that I don’t want to think about and as luck would have it, there are products like the Power Bullet Charger!
The unique aspect of this charger over other chargers is that you can use a standard outlet or car charger to charge 2 USB devices. Thinkgeek has these black beauties for under $15 so it’s within all Geek’s budgets!
Buy now!
Price: $14.99
(Please note prices are subject to change and the listed price is correct to the best of our knowledge at the time of posting)