We accept guest posts for publication here on Gizmos for Geeks. Please read these guidelines carefully before submitting your pitch.
In order to accept an article, it must be relevant to Gizmos for Geeks. You only need to read through our blog for a few minutes to get a good idea of what we publish, although a better idea is to follow us [RSS, Facebook, Twitter] for at least a week.
If you’re unsure of whether we will accept a submission before writing it, send us a pitch with an outline of what you plan to write about. We’ll be happy to give you feedback on it.
To improve your chances of an article being published, send us more than 1 article idea. Note that ‘how to’ type articles are always more popular and ‘evergreen’ than ones with time-sensitive information.
Your article should be at least 300 words, although a better article will probably be at least 500 words long. Search our site first, before submitting your article and/or pitch to ensure it’s not duplicate material.
Your article must be original and must never have been published on the Internet before. It’s ok if it has been published in more traditional media such as magazines or newspapers.
You agree not to re-publish the article anywhere else on the Internet. You may publish an excerpt and link back to the original on our site. You may publish it in offline channels (ex: magazines, books, etc.)
Double-check the spelling and grammar on your article before submitting. It’s a good idea to have someone else read it first. If there are major problems, we will send it back to you for corrections or reject it if there are excessive problems.
Include at least 1 image or screenshot (at least 300x150px, 580x400px max) that has no license restrictions so that we can republish it on our site.
You may include up to a single link in your article body, but only if it’s highly relevant. You should start off by assuming that you will not get a link within the article itself.
You can include 1 or 2 links in your byline/author description which will appear at the end of the article, only 1 of which can be keyword driven (i.e. linked with specific anchor text), the other must be natural: for example, your name linked to your home page, or your company name linked to your company’s website.
Final Authority
Of course, we would still hold the ultimate editorial authority over the article and will reserve the right to modify it as we see fit before or after publication. While we understand that many of you are guest posting in order to promote your own businesses, if you engage in blatant self-promotion, we will reject your submission.
How to Submit
Send us your pitch and/or article to [email protected].
You may either embed the article in your e-mail as text or attach as an HTML file that is formatted with basic HTML tags and well-suited for pasting into the WordPress HTML editor. If you don’t know what that means, see this W3Schools page for an example as well as to learn more about HTML.
Do not submit it as a .doc, .docx or other format generated by a word processing program.
If you don’t hear back from us in 3 days, feel free to follow up; we’re very busy and sometimes e-mails fall through the cracks.
Please don’t expect to send us an article and have it published the same day or even the same week. We receive many requests for guest posts, and can only process so many at a time.
Further reading: Here’s a great example of how to pitch a guest post.
Good luck!