Search Results for: iphone

iTunes Movie Rentals – Rumors Say They Are Coming Soon

According to reports, Apple is close to announcing plans to make Fox and Disney movies available as online rentals via iTunes (US). Apple CEO Steve Jobs is likely saving the official announcement for his Macworld Expo keynote on Jan. 14.

Customers would pay a fee to download titles viewable on computers, iPods, iPhones and presumably Apple TV devices that would expire after a short window of time. Netflix, and Blockbuster’s Movielink are competitors in this space.

Wal-Mart, however, has thrown in the towel. quietly pulled the plug on its video download service late last month as Hewlett Packard decided to discontinue the back-office technology that powered it. The service, popular with studios because it offered variable pricing, struggled with compatibility issues. Wal-Mart downloads could not be burned to DVDs or watched on video iPods.


Gadget Skins

Gadget Skins Skins for gadgets and games including everything from your Guitar Hero 3 game controller to your iPod to your iPhone to your robotic vac… the Roomba. These skins allow your personality to shine and change the look of your device while protecting your gadget from scratches. Some companies have even released software that allows you to create your own skin using your own pictures for example.


Suggested Price: $9.99+

New Bounty to Synchronize TiVo and the Neuros OSD

Neuros OSD Our friends at DVR Upgrade have teamed up with our friends at Neuros Technology to create a couple bounties worth $3500 for the development of software for the Neuros OSD (Open Source Device). The winner of the bounty will have developed an application that allows a OSD user to record TV to both their TiVo device and a portable device such as a laptop, iPod or iPhone in MPEG-4 format which is perfect for the person on-the-go that wants to bring their favorite TV shows with them.

From DVR Upgrade:

People love TiVo for its robust program guide and related features, and people love the OSD for the portability of its recordings. So, we’ve come up with a bounty for a project that combines the best of both devices. Namely for the OSD to piggyback on the TiVo’s recording schedule and make portable MPEG-4 recordings of those shows that you choose. It’s essentially like having TiVo simultaneously record onto a portable device at the same time that its recording to its hard drive. With no file transfer or conversion, you could have all your favorite shows automatically on your laptop, iPod, iPhone, Blackberry or whatever portable device you prefer. Ultimately, this functionality would be perfect for commuters, road-warriors or anyone that spends their days on the go.

The Chargepod – Charge Multiple Handheld Devices at Once

Callpod Chargepod

In another example of technology meets fashion, the Callpod Chargepod allows you to charge up to six devices at once in style. You got a bunch of handheld, rechargeable devices? Then the Chargepod has adapter tips to charge them. Cell phones: Motorola, Samsung, Nokia, iPhone, Palm Treos, Blackberry; MP3 players: iPods, and the like; games; Sony Playstation Portable (PSP); USB-powered Bluetooth devices like headsets.

Just think about it for a second: no longer do you have to remember where you put those chargers. Particularly useful is when you go on travel. Just bring one charger, the Chargepod, and you’re set. It’s also lightweight, so you can immediately cut back on the weight of all of those chargers you have.

Partner Program

The Pitch

Hi there – Khalid & Doug here from Gizmos for Geeks. We’re writing you, a fellow gadget blogger, so that we can start on the road to building something that will be bigger than the sum of all of our efforts combined. We’ll be honest and say that we’re not doing this for purely altruistic reasons but as a way to increase our traffic. But of course, it would be silly to propose an offer where we would be the only ones who stood to gain anything from it, so we’re trying to put something together where you will benefit just as much.

The way we see it, there are just too many gadget blogs out there competing with each other against some rather huge competition from the likes of Engadget, Gizmodo, etc., and we’re all competing for a very small portion of the remaining pie. If we can collectively become a larger force, then we’ll be sharing a larger piece of the pie, and that will be better for all of us.

Here’s what we propose:

  • We provide you with a username and account so that you can post articles to Gizmos for Geeks (GfG) (we use WordPress).
  • Obviously, we don’t want us all to lose Google ranking and traffic because of duplicate content, so you should not just copy content from your own blog/site into an article on GfG.
  • Along those lines, writing little summary articles that talk about what you’ve just written on your own blog is perfectly fine. That way you can get traffic back to your site. You could even write a summary every week that summarized what you’ve posted that previous week.
  • Also, we would prefer that you not duplicate ideas that are already posted (by anyone) to GfG. For example, let’s say there’s a news story about Apple releasing the iPhone 2.0. Unless you’re providing your own unique thoughts on the subject, then an article saying essentially the same thing is redundant.
  • You can include links in the articles back to your site or wherever provided you are reasonable about it. For example, if you wrote a 200 word article and included 15 links in it, that would be a little overboard.
  • We’ll add a section to our blog, GfG, that contains the most popular articles over the past week, and month.
  • We’ll include links to the articles in our newsletter.
  • If you post at least 3 articles/week, then we’ll include a link to your blog in our blogroll. We would naturally want a reciprocal link on your blog.
  • No posting more than once per day. This isn’t set in stone. We will be monitoring how the program is working and adjust accordingly.
  • For those of you who wish to earn income in a more direct way, we also offer a pay-per-post model where we pay you for each unique blog entry you write and post to GfG or anywhere on our blog network. Contact us directly for more info on this option.

As we’ve built up GfG to the point where we get on the order of 40 to 50,000 pageviews every month, you obviously stand to gain quite a bit of additional traffic just by posting with us and linking back to your site. Also, if this partnering program is successful, we’ll see additional traffic and so will you.

We’re only now initiating this venture, and would love to hear from you if you have any interesting/additional ideas. We’d like to get this started as quickly as possible, so please reply as soon as you can.


Doug & Khalid
Gizmos for Geeks


What’s a reasonable # of links to include in a post?
For a post that is 200-300 words, no more than 4 is average. However, if you’re doing something unique like summarizing your posts for the week, then having 10 links is not unreasonable, but restrict the anchor text to 1 or 2 words, so that the whole post doesn’t turn into into a completely underlined, hyperlinked and unreadable mess.
What do you pay for a post?
If you’re part of the partner program, then nothing. You stand to gain as much if not more from the increase in traffic you will receive. However, if you’re interested in being a writer for us, where you write unique content for the “for Geeks” network, we pay by the post and will work with you on a 1-on-1 basis to establish your rate.
Why can’t I duplicate the posts that I already have on my own blog?
Simply put, Google and other search engines penalize duplicate content which is the opposite of what we’re trying to accomplish with building traffic.
What type of content can I post?
Pretty much anything that is about gadgets or technology or has a gadget angle is acceptable. To see what’s acceptable, just browse through our past content.
I’ve been posting at least 3 articles per week, but I don’t see my site listed in your blogroll. What’s up?
Sorry about that. Just send us an e-mail and let us know; we’ll fix that pronto.
What happened to the post I just made? It disappeared!
Sorry, but we do reserve the right to retract any posts. Most of the time, the reasons for this will include inappropriate language, or simply non-relevant material. For example, swearing, sexual references that go overboard (yes, we get to decide) or political statements are all prohibited.
How can I make my images sit nicely to the left or right of the text with the border around it the way yours do?
That’s easy. In your < img > tag, simple insert the following code snippet:

Battling Palmsize Havoc Helicopter

Battling Palmsize Havoc Helicopter

Lets think together. If you already have cool little helicopters that fit in the palm of your hand… what more would you want? Well aside from a free unlocked iPhone that runs 3rd party apps… Right! Fighting, the base level instinctive male behavior that makes all toys better. These Battling Palmsize Havoc Helicopters come in set of two and let you and a friend duke it out “laser tag” style for office air rights. Take to the air from the palm of your hand then use the shoulder buttons on the remote to fire at your opponent copter. A hit causes the shot copter to spin out of control and crash. Luckily these Battling copters are tough enough to keep coming back for more aerial dogfights. However to truly dominate the sky, you’ll need to practice up on your flying skills.


Price: $99.99

HTC TyTN II Smartphone


We recently featured the HTC Advantage 7501 Smartphone/UMPC, but HTC is hardly a one-trick pony (ahem!), and one of their very latest products is the HTC TyTN II smartphone. Before we get into the slew of features, just take a look at how cool the screen tilts up towards you once you slide the full QWERTY keypad out. That’s wicked.

Now, let’s talk features. As the name suggests, the TyTN II is the sequel to the already cool TyTN. It’s thing is connectivity, and it has it all – HSDPA/UMTS, GSM, GPRS, EDGE, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth. TyTN runs Windows Mobile 6, which I have to admit has gotten better over the years. So anyway, Win Mobile means you get Office Mobile apps like Word, Excel and Powerpoint, and since you’ve got the slide-out full QWERTY keyboard, dealing with those types of productivity apps won’t be such a pain in the neck. It’ll be more about working than just reading on the 240×320 QVGA touch screen.

The gPhone from Google is a Go

According to one blogger‘s inside source at Google, the ‘gPhone‘ (not its actual name), or Google smartphone is for real, and could potentially be out in Q1 2008. Here are some of the features that it’s speculated to have: Google Maps with GPS, Google Talk, VoIP, Gmail, Google Productivity Apps, essentially all of the Google Suite. It’s supposed to be based on a modified Linux kernel (sweet!). I wasn’t crazy about the iPhone, although the touchscreen is really nice, and the browser makes surfing the web on a phone painless. However, hand me a Linux-based device that will be hacked to kingdom come, and I’ll jump at that.

There is (has been) a lot of speculation that Google is/isn’t going to jump into the smartphone business, and my take is that they will. Why not? Considering that something like 90% of their income is from online advertising, what happens if that market drops out from under them? They need to diversify, and what better way to get people seeing their ads than having them be connected to their site and apps all of the time?

Chloe Dao Collection by Pacific Design

Pacific Design iPhone Case Mobile technology case manufacturer, Pacific Design and Fashion Designer, Chloe Dao, announce the launch of the Chloe Dao Collection by Pacific Design. Effortless style that combines classic shape and modern sensibility is the design philosophy of Chloe Dao, winner of “Project Runway” Season 2. Dao has partnered with Pacific Design to create exclusive fashion mobile technology cases for men and women that feature clean lines, bold patterns, and vibrant colors.

The Chloe Dao Collection by Pacific Design includes Apple® iPhone cases, Motorola® RAZR™ cases, universal cell phone cases, laptop portfolios, Apple iPod® cases for nano and Video, DVD cases and a mobile technology handbag. There are three Chloe Dao fashion prints to choose from: Retro, a bright psychedelic floral; Small heels, a houndstooth pattern made up of white stiletto heels which gives this classic a new twist; and Pinstripe, a unisex print that’s strong, colorful and bold.

The Chloe Dao Collection by Pacific Design is available now on and collection will be available at major retailers including Circuit City in Fall 2007 and will range in price from $19.99 to $29.99.

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