Gaming & Toys

Cyborg’s Deadly R.A.T 7 Gaming Mouse

R.A.T 7 Gaming Mouse by CyborgThe gamers of you out there will know that Cyborg make some pretty neat gaming peripherals and their gaming mice make a great impression to whichever gaming championships you take them to. The new R.A.T 7 by Cyborg seems to carry on this tradition offering deadly looks that’s enough to put off any potential competitor before you’ve booted your rig. The feature list for the R.A.T 7 is immense but check below for a few features that really stand out. …

Sticky Notes that look like Floppies

sticky notes for floppy disksNo, wait! We’re seriously not featuring floppy disks. It’s a bit hard to tell, but these are actually sticky notes, made to look like floppy disks. Kinda cool, right?

Yes, you can write all over them or if you’re a bit uptight, just in the little area that you would have normally stuck to on a real floppy! Comes in a 3-pack of assorted colors.

Buy now!
Price: $9.99
(Please note prices are subject to change and the listed price is correct to the best of our knowledge at the time of posting)

Netflix no longer requires disc for PS3 and Wii

Wii and PS3 offer disc-less Netflix streamingComing on the heels of Netflix announcing that PS3 consumers no longer need a disc to stream Netflix content, Netflix customers with a Wii console can begin streaming movies from the service without the Netflix disc starting this week.

Last week, Sony launched the disc-less service for PS3 console customers. PS3 customers, unlike Wii customers, will be able to view Netflix content in high-definition viewing with surround sound.

Kinect Can Finally See Lazy Gamers

Microsoft Kinect Eurogamer reports that Microsoft fixed a major Kinect implementation issue by allowing Kinect to recognize players who are seated. The method Microsoft used to create skeletal models in the software set the base node at the bottom of the spine. When people were seated with knees in front of their pelvis, Kinect got confused. Microsoft engineers modified the base node from the bottom of the spine to the back of the neck.

Previously, developers had to specifically code for lazy (sitting) gamers but this functionality is now built into the system. Unfortunately these changes will miss most of the peripheral’s launch line-up.

Helicopter Simulator for the serious Hobbyist

Harcore Helicopter Simulator Hardcore Helicopter Simulator hobbyist rejoice for now you have ability to purchase a serious Helicopter simulator from HotSeat Chassis, the makers of several simulator packages from driving to flying. We’ve tested some of their simulators at CES’ past and the chassis are really well made and really bring an additional element of immersion into simulators.

With the correct Cyclic, Collective and Anti-Torque Pedals all in the right place, you can train search and rescue helicopter fliers in the comfort of your gaming room while saving money for fuel.

Look Left-Ahead-Right and see all visual markers. Fly -VFR-IFR GPS direct with the 22″ Wide Screen Cockpit Display. Fly Glass and analog configurations that are correct for each Helicopter and many are included in Flight Sim X Gold fully installed, updated and tested, by HotSeat chassis. Slide-Away-Screen System puts everything in the right place and allows easy entry and exit.

The price you ask? You too can have a hardcore Helicopter Simulator for a mere $18,056… so what can we do to put you into one today?

Atari’s Greatest Hits, Vol 1 for Nintendo DS

atari greatest hits, vol 1Some iconic things out of our pop culture past never seem to die off. Take Atari for example. The company and brand has changed hands so many times after its meteroic peak in the early 80s, but they’re still around and releasing games. And they’re keeping the classics alive as well.

Here is a nice collection of classic Atari 2600 console and Atari arcade games, including Asteroids, Pong, Centipede, Haunted House, and Adventure.

This set works on Nintendo DS, so it’ll introduce a brand new audience to these games, and we’re hoping that the name implies that there will be follow-on volumes in the near future!

PS> is currently running a special on the Nintendo DSi and DSi XL in case you gotta pick up one to play this tantalizing collection!

Buy now!
Price: $29.99
(Please note prices are subject to change and the listed price is correct to the best of our knowledge at the time of posting)

Mindflex Brainwave Game

Mindflex Brainwave Game I can’t believe the Geeks have never featured Mindflex Brainwave Game. I had to perform a couple of searches to make sure and sure enough, we haven’t.

Mindflex’s Brainwave Game is the closest game we have on Earth to demonstrating Jedi powers as the game is powered by your brainwave activity. Mindflex uses a variation of EEG technology to “read” the intensity of these brainwaves via sensors positioned on your forehead and ears. These sensors do not generate or interfere with brainwaves; they only read what is already there.

Once the Mindflex headset recognizes your brainwaves, it transmits a signal to a fan within the console. This fan controls ball levitation. Your brainwaves, in turn, control the power of the fan. The more effectively you concentrate, the stronger the fan blows and the higher the ball floats. Relaxing your mind relaxes the fan’s airflow, which lowers the ball.

I’ve played the Mindflex and while apparently I can concentrate at a high level causing the fan under the ball to shoot the ball skyward, I really had issues relaxing enough to lower the ball. We really had fun working the Mental Marathon game.

Buy now!
More info from the manufacturer
Price: $119.99
(Please note prices are subject to change and the listed price is correct to the best of our knowledge at the time of posting)

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