Nimbuzz Mobile aggregates your IM contacts on your mobile

Here’s another IM aggregator that makes managing all of your online personalities on your cell/smart phone/mobile easier: Nimbuzz Mobile. It can handle Skype, MSN, Yahoo, ICQ, AIM, Google Talk and more using a single login. Nimbuzz not only IMs, but also manages clls, messaging, photos, video, music and more.

Nimbuzz also lets you locate your buddies on a map (assuming they’ve got their GPS tracking turned on), and if they’re running Nimbuzz too, you can ‘buzz’ them which turns on Nimbuzz on their phone.

Nimbuzz is now available for Android as well. You can see the full list of supported devices here.

1 thought on “Nimbuzz Mobile aggregates your IM contacts on your mobile”

  1. Great share! GPS technology is advancing faster than most of us can keep up with. Many of us know that this advancement makes it possible for us to track nearly anything or anyone. Bookmarked it!

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