
ZYB – Sync your Cell Phone’s contacts to the Web

Think about it for just 1 second – you don’t remember any phone numbers any more, do you? Yup, neither do I. Problem is that many of those numbers I need are only stored in my cell phone. I’ve got a Palm and even now, I fail to sync it to the Palm desktop software on a regular basis. What would be easier is if I could just hit a button on my phone and get it backed up immediately. Enter

ZYB is an online service (go Web!) that works with most major mobile handsets and without any additional software in most cases. Naturally, ZYB promises that your contacts will be stored securely.

California cell phone dudes – time to headset up

Ok, you sun-worshipping CA folks – today is the day you must stop holding those cell phones while driving. Get yourself a headset, wired or wireless, as the brand new statewide law goes into effect. Did I mention it’s today?

Now whether you’re a fan or not, fact is that if you’re going to be talking on a cell phone call, then you need a headset. While I agree with JT that the law needs to be tougher, it’s a start. PS> please don’t text or e-mail while you’re driving. That’s just plain dumb, and you could end up having a Darwin Award after your name if you Murphy’s Law holds up.

Read on for some quick tips on searching for that elusive new Bluetooth headset since I’m sure you’re going to want to avoid the wires…

Nokia buys the rest of Symbian; will open source it

In a somewhat surprising, yet not so surprising move, Nokia bought up the rest of Symbian that it didn’t already own and will open-source the cell phone OS platform. Why? This is the strategy du jour in this age of Linux vs Microsoft, and now Android (Linux basically) vs iPhone/Win Mobile/Blackberry.

It’s a $410 million gamble for Nokia, but not a bad risk. Open-sourcing products many times results in amazing contributions and improvements to the products which in turn fuel sales of hardware, software and services surrounding that product.

Time will tell how Nokia fares. This writer thinks this will certainly help to keep Nokia firmly in the top tiers of the cell phone handset industry.

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