Rocket Pen

Rocket Pen

Not everybody gets to be an astronaut when they grow up. Most of us simply end up in a vicious cycle of moving from one box to the next. Constantly. We wake up on a flat padded box, which itself is located in a bigger box, in an even bigger box. Then we, zombie-like, turn on a box to catch the news and weather so that we might know what types of clothes to remove from another box to wear. Then we leave this box and get into another box that has wheels. We stay in this box with wheels for quite a while until we get to our destination box. We then begin to locate our special little box, crawl into it, and then stare for eight hours at another box. Lather, rinse – repeat.

So, to occasionally remind you that you aren’t, and never will be, an astronaut, we thought you might like this pen. It even comes in a box.

Rocket pen has a launchpad base that is about 2.5″ wide, 3.5″ long, and 1″ thick. You simply connect your rocket pen (about 5.5″ of thrust) to the launchpad base, locking it in place. Whenever you need to write something that’s simply out of this world, just press the red ignition control switch, and, WHAMO! Your Rocket Pen will strive (and fail miserably every time) to reach escape velocity. Can’t fault a pen for trying though. It will shoot up between 3-4 feet though…

Price: $7.99
(Please note prices are subject to change and the listed price is correct to the best of our knowledge at the time of posting)

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