Gizmos for Babies and Kids Return

Chief Gizmateer and Bri The Geeks are excited to announce that after a couple month hiatus both Gizmos for Babies and Gizmos for Kids will be returning with new content for geek parents starting this week! The Geeks started both blogs to cover the various gizmos and really cool toys we really want to play with even as adults. Chief Gizmateer’s wife, the editor-in-chief of both blogs, and Chief Gizmateer recently traveled to China to adopt the cutest little girl with a big personality. As first time parents, we all of a sudden had an instant one year toddler with an unending energy source!

Points North Cover During our hiatus both blogs were picked up by Points North Magazine during October in a section called “All Points Bulletin”. Gizmos for Geeks was mentioned as well. We love the press!

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