Welcome to Gizmos for Geeks! We’re a new website that will feature a new ‘gizmo’ every day as well as reviews on gizmos, gizmo news and an on-line community devoted to gizmos, with many more features constantly being developed.
Current features include the ability to recommend gizmos to your friends as well as subscribe to Categories that are of interest to you. To recommend a gizmo of the day to a friend, choose the link “Send to a friend.” If you wish to subscribe to a particular category you are interested in, click on the thumbs up icon next to a category while viewing a Gizmo of the Day.
Our beta-testing period starts on July 5th, and we encourage you, our specially selected guest, to try out the site and give us feedback so that we can make this a top quality site. Please send us e-mail to [email protected].
Thanks and enjoy!