
My PDA, my phone

by KENNETH JAMES, Business Times

I BECAME hooked on the idea of a PDA-phone back in 2002, when Hewlett-Packard introduced its Singapore-designed Jornada 928. A few gremlins aside – its weak phone volume being a major one – the new device was the epitome of cool. You knew that the next version would be just what the user ordered. And so it was. Unfortunately, that version did not come from HP which, with weightier matters to worry about, lost that particular plot.

Nokia 6820 Cell Phone

Nokia 6820 Cell Phone

Compatible with AT&T cell phone service, the Nokia 6820 is one of Nokia’s series of phones featuring a cleverly-designed flip-open QWERTY keyboard, intended to provide quicker and easier text input. When the keyboard is in use, the 6820’s high-resolution 128 x 128-pixel, 4,096 color screen automatically rotates from a vertical to a horizontal orientation for easier viewing. There are also a bunch of other great features with this phone, including a digital CIF camera and video recorder, Bluetooth infrared data transfer, voice dialing, mobile Internet connectivity, high-speed data transmission, and more.

I Want My MobiTV

Liane Cassavoy, PC World

BOSTON– I’m in the middle of Fanueil Hall, standing on tiptoes trying to get a glimpse of what has captivated the crowd ahead of me. “What’s going on?” I ask the woman next to me. “It’s Chris Matthews,” she says.

Apparently, MSNBC is broadcasting Hardball, Matthews’ popular talk show, live from Fanueil Hall this week during the Democratic National Convention here. Not that I could tell from back of the crowd; I couldn’t see a thing.

Luckily, I had my MobiTV.

Gadget-Hungry Asia to Lead Demand for Smartphones

By Jennifer Tan

SINGAPORE (Reuters) – Hoang Anh Tuan, a self-confessed “handphone freak” in Vietnam, calls his Sony Ericsson (news – web sites) smartphone his pride and joy.

The 28-year-old organizes his schedule, reads Word documents and views emails using his P900 mobile, which combines phone functions with features similar to those of a personal digital assistant (PDA).

“I can’t live without technology,” said the producer for a television station. “I love using high-tech applications in my phone, and this phone has been indispensable to my work.”

“Treo Ace” Rumors abound…

“Treo Ace”, the rumored next generation of the popular palmOne Treo series (most likely the 610), has added a few features as leaked by a palmOne powerpoint slide. In addition, the first provider to get the phone should be Verizon. Finally, the investment bank of Detwiler Mitchell and Company confirmed rumors of the update from the Treo 600 sometime in Q2 or Q3 of this year. Of course, there were rumors the new Treo series smartphone would be introduced back in March of this year.

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