command line

Five Hacks for Google Command Line

Google Command Line

The folks over at Lifehacker compiled five really handy Google command line tricks. If you remember, the Geeks mentioned Google released the command line tool a few days ago.

The Lifehackers show you how to use your Google command line as a Google Docs backed up text editor, how to quickly add events to Google Calendar in plain English, how to upload a folder of images to Picasa, how to upload a video to YouTube and how to backup your Google content (including Docs, Contacts and Photos).

Really cool stuff!

GoogleCL is Command Line Tool for Google Services

For you command-line junkies out there who would like to interact with your Google services in a likewise manner, your prayers have been answered. GoogleCL (Google Command Line) lets you interact with Blogger, Calendar, Contacts, Docs, Picasa and YouTube.

Now you can do things like:

google calendar add “Lunch with Jim at noon tomorrow”


google youtube post –category Education killer_robots.avi

There are tarballs available as well as a .deb for Debian. For Mac and Windows, you’ll have to go offsite, but that’s possible too. You can get more info on the wiki page for the project.

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