Sony LocationFree TV

Sony LocationFree TV

Sony’s LocationFree Player Pak base station (LF-PK1) is similar to Sling Media’s Slingbox (which we featured back in September). It hooks up to your home-entertainment system and to your broadband router and allows you to stream your TV, DVDs, and DVR-recorded programs to any Internet-connected PC. Sony ups the ante by also allowing you to stream media to your Playstation Portable (PSP). You also don’t even need to leave your house, but can enjoy your shows in another room wirelessly. Sony also produces a few different lightweight LCD LocationFree TVs: the 12.1″ LF-X11 and the 7″ LF-X5. The LF-X11 has a resolution of 800×600, while the LF-X5 goes to 800×480. Both have touch screens, on-screen keyboards and software that lets you send e-mail, surf the Web, and a photo album. The LF-X11 even acts as a universal IR remote.

LocationFree Player, a software-based player for the PC also ships with the base station and lets you control your LocationFree base station and the devices it is hooked up to.

Price: $349.99
(Please note prices are subject to change and the listed price is correct to the best of our knowledge at the time of posting)

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