Pong case for iPhone reduces radiation to your head

pong case reduces radiationCell phone radiation – myth or real? Yes, it’s definitely real and you should wear a headset to reduce the level of radiation that you’re exposed to. But if you’re one of the resistant types that just loves holding your phone to your head, then Pong Research has an answer for you – the Pong Case.

The claim is that it reduces the amount of radiation that hits your head. A bunch of independent tests show that it really does reduce it. Not to zero, but 65% in some cases.

Unfortunately, radiation abatement isn’t cheap or ubiquitous since it’s only available for the iPhone 3G/3GS. We can still dream of a day when cell phone makers just build the darn radiation protection into the units or give you an electric shock if you hold it too long. 😉

Buy now!
More info from the manufacturer
Price: $59.99
(Please note prices are subject to change and the listed price is correct to the best of our knowledge at the time of posting)

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