How Do I Keep Dogs / Cats / Deer From My Yard?

Scarecrow Animal Repellent The Geeks continue to try and answer your questions with one we’ve received over a dozen times this past week…

How Do I Keep Dogs / Cats / Deer From My Yard?

There are a couple non-Geeky ideas including sprinkling moth ball all over which eventually melt into the lawn and cats and dogs do not like the smell, vinegar or ammonia sprayed around the perimeter of the lawn (not on grass or plants though) and finally, chili pepper. You need a large quantity of chili pepper but spray on plants that deer eat and places where dogs and cats leave their marks.

Moving on to the technical solution… Smarthome has an entire pest and animal control section. The best gadget they sell actually hooks up to your outdoor water faucet and, using a motion detector, sprays the offending dogs / cats / deer / kids. Not only does it work, but the Scarecrow Water Spraying Animal Repeller is fun to watch!

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