HDTV – Only for the Wealthy?

Source: DVR Playground

Leichtman Research Group released a survey showing that over 80% of the consumers with HDTV make over $50,000 a year. In fact, the average household income for HDTV owners is $89,500 which is 42% above the national average income. In addition, only 1 in 6 households have HDTV which is up from 1 our of 14 households two years ago.

While nothing seems surprising or out of the ordinary in LRG’s assessment of the HDTV space, one thing that surprised me is that only a third of those surveyed knew about Fev 17, 2009, the federal deadline for TV stations to broadcast only digital signals.

While HDTV’s long-term sales are upbeating (about 20% of all households get a new TV set each year), that may not be fast enough to beat the federal deadline in 2009.

“The government has been unrealistic from Day One,” Leichtman says. “The digital cut-off date was originally supposed to be in two months,” before it was postponed.

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