EZ Faucet: Hands-free Water Faucet

EZ Faucet: Hands-free Water Faucet

Piece by piece, you can turn your home into something that’s straight out of a science fiction movie. Here’s one more piece: turn your faucet into a touch-free, automated one. The EZ Faucet simply appends to your existing faucet and uses an infrared sensor to detect when you put your hands in front of it and turns on. I love it. Take the step after that and get a hands-free soap dispenser too!


  • Help prevent the spreading of infection with a touch-free hands-washing system
  • Infrared sensor turns your water on when you place your hands in your sink
  • Simple two-step, five-minute faucet installation
  • Conserve water by running the drip-free faucet only when actually needed

Price: $69.99
(Please note prices are subject to change and the listed price is correct to the best of our knowledge at the time of posting)

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