Catching up with Geekfoolery

Mr. Alex continues to crank out some excellent content on one of the best new blogs. Starting with an article about the Zune project lead “leaving” Microsoft in Zune watch 2007, Mr. Alex has started an Official Geekfoolery Zunewatch. “The Official Geekfoolery Zunewatch 2007 tally is as of February 12, 2007 is 43 days, zero Zunes.” Brilliant!

Next up was an extremely useful article on Quick-n-Dirty PDF Wrangling. Mr. Alex presents some excellent resources for working with and creating PDFs. He brings up one of my favorite applications – Foxit Reader.

Next up, the great Geek time waster called Sodaplay in his Sodaplay: The Thinking Man’s Waste of Time Gets an Update article. Warning, do not check out Sodaplay unless you have a few addictive hours to waste!

Continuing with the game theme he brings up the Games People Play… with Flickr.

What Flickr adds to the mix is the social aspect of tagging your photos, and the creation of sets and groups, and fairly robust and reasonably open architecture that lets programmers make fun games and toys that you play with Flickr.

So, if you haven’t subscribed to Geekfoolery’s RSS… do it. Do it.

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