Breaking free from the desk

Recently at work I have taken the plunge to go paperless and clutterless but try as I might every morning I have incoming post to deal with and throughout the day it seems as if the whole world has seen an empty spot on my desk and feels the need to fill it. I try and encourage the use of email wherever possible, so that documents are scanned in which make them much more accessible and can be carried around on a memory stick much easier. Mind you with so many email address on the ago it can often be a chore just remembering which email platform to use. I counted my active email address and found, to my surprise, that I had nineteen on the go – How many have you got?

Tidying up the desk and clearing out the clutter is a bit like therapy – plus it helps as a reminder about all those little jobs that were started and never finished. Sitting around in an office all day can sometimes make it difficult to see the bigger picture. What I really need I suppose is a new strategy for dealing with projects to ensure that they all get done; talking of strategies Monk has been thinking outside the box recently while Norris has chosen a slightly different tactic in Monk and his I.T. Junk.

One project which is taking way more time to get off the ground is our Computer Room Regeneration project. Ripping out infrastructure that has been happily ticking away for years is rarely a great idea but we are due (make that overdue) for a technology refresh as the need for data services and security increases. How do all those cables get tangled?

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