Frigits: Magnetic Marble Rollercoaster Office Toy

Frigits: Magnetic Marble Rollercoaster Office Toy

Just when you think they’ve thought of everything, along comes a new toy or gadget that makes you reach for your wallet, because you have to have it. This innovative doohickey is sort of like Mouse Trap for your fridge door. Just slap together some of the parts to create your own little rollercoaster for marbles. You have at your arsenal a combination of chutes, funnels, catapults, spinners and sheer drop offs to arrange according to your mood and tastes.

No, you’re not relegated to the fridge, but pretty much any metal surface, since these puppies are magnetic. Give your marble the gift of extreme sports, all in the comfort of your own home or office. Because happy marbels breed happy times…

Price: $29.99
(Please note prices are subject to change and the listed price is correct to the best of our knowledge at the time of posting)

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