Airtight Coffee Storage & Dispenser

Airtight Coffee Storage & Dispenser

If you’re a coffee buff, and hate drinking coffee made from stale grounds, take a look at this practical gadget. It’s a storage canister and a dispenser in one. Really simple mechanism – just hold and press the button for the release of exactly one tablespoon of coffee, without exposing the rest of the coffee to the air. The Indispensable Coffee Dispenser stores over half-a-pound of ground coffee.


  • Airtight canister stores more than 1/2 pound of ground coffee, preserving freshness and flavor
  • Dispensing is done in 1-tablespoon increments for exact measuring

Price: $24.99
(Please note prices are subject to change and the listed price is correct to the best of our knowledge at the time of posting)

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