My 12 Favorite Apps for the iPad that Rock! – May 2010 Edition

iPad appsIn a couple of days I will have had my iPad for an entire month. In the past four weeks, my laptop and desktop machines have seen a considerable drop in use from me as the iPad has taken over several functions I had used them for.

The apps represented in my Top 12 Favorite iPad Apps are the ones that have helped the most with this transition plus a few other iPad apps that simply have caught my fancy.

I have a feeling this list will continue to change on a weekly basis with a few exceptions (the top 4 or 5 for example).

Let’s get started with the countdown with #12…

iWorks for the iPad#12 – iWorks (Keynote, Numbers, and Pages)
Originally I bought the iPad to become my presentation platform using Keynote primarily. I’ve already converted my company’s template to Keynote and synced to the iPad and it looks great. The only problem I’ve encountered is with presentations with animated slides (for example, a new animated item is added to presentation for every step of a process). While this worked on Keynote on my Mac, Keynote on the iPad had issues. I don’t use Numbers and Pages as much as I usually present more.

Price: $9.99/each

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