Xbox 360

Xbox 360

If you already don’t have one and are not willing to pay over $800 or $1000 on ebay, forget about it! As usual every Christmas, the hotest video game console that comes out has been under-produced and over-hyped creating a frenzy of having to have the Xbox 360 before Christmas. Give an IOU and let your gamer fanatic get one plus a few games AFTER Christmas.

From the demos we’ve seen though, the Xbox 360 is sexy for sure…

The Xbox 360 System ($399.00 value) is the way to begin experiencing the ultimate in next-generation gaming. Amazing digital entertainment experiences, unprecedented in home console entertainment, are waiting for you. All you have to do is connect the controller to this incredible device and unsurpassed adventure and excitement will be yours.

Price: Good luck finding one!
(Please note prices are subject to change and the listed price is correct to the best of our knowledge at the time of posting)

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