Review: Tenqa SP-109 Wireless Bluetooth Speaker

Tenqa SP109 Wireless Bluetooth SpeakerI had the pleasure of spending a recent long holiday weekend with Tenqa’s latest offering in the world of nearly cable free speaker solutions, the Tenqa SP-109 Wireless Bluetooth Speaker. (I say nearly because they do require a power cord, though Tenqa does have alternatives that do away with that as well.) There were two criteria that were particularly important to me when investigating a Bluetooth speaker system. First was Bluetooth range, I had fears that while I might not have any cables connecting my Bluetooth enabled music player to the speakers, there might be a pesky invisible tether keeping my phone all but docked next to the speakers. The second was audio quality, I don’t claim to be an audiophile but I have a developed enough of an ear to tell the difference between a *thud* and whatever that hollow noise that speakers often produce as a sad alternative to it.