Receive your snail mail virtually with a Zumbox

I much prefer to receive e-mail than snail mail (unless they’re checks!) and so I’m really like the idea of this new service called Zumbox. It’s a paperless mail/postal system. Zumbox has created a virtual mailbox for each street address in the US and anyone can send virtual mail to your Zumbox mailbox.

Now, this is not the same as your e-mail address, but something you need to sign into which works well because you don’t necessarily need to check your snail mail every single day, nor would I want all that advertising coming straight to my e-mail inbox.

The best part is that it’s free. In case you’re wondering what the catch is, they probably are able to resell their service to marketers and advertisers, so yeah, your virtual mailbox may end up being clogged with virtual spam, but hey, better than my actual mailbox.

Hit to sign up and claim your mailing address.