Powerstick V2 Portable USB Charger by Ecosol

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Here’s a product we first featured back at 2007’s CES show. Since then Ecosol has updated their Powerstick product which is a portable USB charger.

It’s an energy cell that is a bit larger than a USB stick, that can be used to power your portable devices. For example, it can fully charge a typical Blackberry. To charge something, just plug it into the device’s regular power adpater interface via an adapter. The Powerstick itself can be recharged simply by plugging it into a computer’s USB port. It can be recharged up to 500 times.

Version 2 of the Powerstick gets to you to 90% of full charge in less than 90 minutes.

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Price: $59.99
(Please note prices are subject to change and the listed price is correct to the best of our knowledge at the time of posting)

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