Make: Technology on Your Time

Make: Technology on Your Time

Normally we don’t feature magazines, but check out this magazine from O’Reilly! It’s being called a geek’s dream come true.

If you like to tweak, disassemble, re-create, and invent cool new uses for technology, you’ll love MAKE, the new quarterly publication for the inquisitive do-it-yourselfer. Every issue is packed with projects to help you make the most of all the technology in your life. Everything from home entertainment systems, to laptops, to a host of PDAs is fair game. If there’s a way to hack it, tweak it, bend it, or remix it, you will find out about it in MAKE. This isn’t another gadget magazine. MAKE focuses on cool things you can do to make technology work the way you want it to. The publication is inspired by the bestselling Hacks series books but with a twist. MAKE is a mook (rhymes with book). We ve combined the excitement, unexpectedness, and visual appeal of a magazine with the permanence and in-depth instructiveness of a how-to book. Whether you’re a geek or hacker who delights in creating new uses for technology, or a Saturday afternoon tinkerer who loves to get his hands dirty, you’ll keep every issue of MAKE on your bookshelf for years to come.

The premier issue, available in February 2005, includes 220 pages packed with tips and tricks, including:
* how to create a $14 stabilizer for your video camera with readily available household items
* how to use an ordinary kite to take extraordinary professional quality aerial digital photos
* how to get rid of that tangle of wires by creating your own 5-in-1 network cable
* how to decipher the magnetic stripe on your credit card to find out what your credit card company really knows about you and lots more!

Price: $14.99 per issue ($10.19 at Amazon!)
(Please note prices are subject to change and the listed price is correct to the best of our knowledge at the time of posting)

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