One of GfG’s friends, Jeremy Toeman (of LIVEdigitally fame) has co-founded what we feel is an indispensable service for anyone that ‘lives’ online in any sense of the word. It’s called Legacy Locker (LL) and is essentially a secure store for your online assets, things such as passwords, account info, & documents. More importantly, it provides a mechanism for securely and safely conveying this information to your beneficiary if you pass away.
It works relatively simply: you sign up for an account, and start adding what are known as assets (an example would be the username and password to your e-mail account). You assign a beneficiary to each asset you have, and you can change those whenever you’d like. If you pass away, one of 2 persons that you assigned must contact LL to inform them. LL performs verification using humans, so you need not worry about ‘computer error’ or inadequate checks. LL then securely passes on your digital assets to your name beneficiaries.
I had a number of questions & thoughts about the service and site and Jeremy was kind enough to exchanged e-mails to answer them.
Upcoming features:
- The site needs a demo – probably something Flash-based and narrated.
A: Coming soon.
- While I got the impression that I could upload documents, I couldn’t find that explicitly explained on the site. Being able to upload documents is essential to me.
A: Will be available after launch.
- I would like to see the ‘official’ process document that Legacy Locker has created. While it can be argued that banks for example don’t do this, LL is not a bank and does not yet have the ‘establishment’ factor that comes with having been around for a 100 years or so or even 20.
A: Jeremy promised that more in-depth info will be posted.
- I found the site to be a bit slow. I would like it to be super fast, so that the first time I add a ton of assets, it’s extremely responsive.
A: The production server(s) will be faster.
- For additional peace of mind, I would like LL to have a 3rd-party company that is technically savvy periodically come in to audit LL’s processes and security.
A: Right now, they have Thawte and Mcafee and will be getting more providers shortly.
Overall, there is no question that Legacy Locker fills a huge need for the online world. I expect copycats soon! It already meets most of what I’d like such a service to do. It certainly beats the ironically low-tech way that I’ve been using now!