Hooray, tax time is here again! I know you are thrilled, I can see it in your face. Before you fall off your seat in excitement, let me help you out with some tips that might make this tax season just a bit easier than last year.
With the constant influx of new portable computing and network-connected devices, doing your taxes no longer consists of just taking your information to your accountant and having them fill out your 1040 form with a pencil. Doing your taxes is now more technology-assisted than ever with the majority of people choosing to e-file their taxes through programs like Turbo Tax, TaxAct, H&R Block amongst many other online sources.
But even tax filing has spread to smartphones and tablets that are growing rapidly. For example, there are more than a few iPhone/iPod touch/iPad (iOS) apps that can make filing your taxes quicker and more convenient. I know, this is probably not a big surprise since there are apps for everything from calculating tips to performing voodoo ceremonies. Nonetheless, here is an overview of the best apps that will make filing your taxes a breeze:
This app allows you to easily keep track of all of the donations that you have made throughout the year in one place. This app even allows you to upload pictures of the items you have donated (such as clothing) and email it directly to your accountant or another person who is taking care of your taxes. This handy little app will set you back $2.99.
This convenient little app allows you to determine the exact amount of money that you owe in taxes. The amount that you owe is determined by simply having you answer a few questions regarding your individual situation including income and assets. This free app will also tell you how much of a tax refund you should expect to receive.
The name of this tax app is pretty self-explanatory. This app allows you to file your taxes by simply clicking a button on your iPhone. It doesn’t get any simpler than that. And even better, this app won’t cost you a dime!
This free app provides you with answers to many common tax questions. That way, you can find answers to all of your questions when you can’t reach your accountant.