Electric Rice Cooker

Electric Rice Cooker

Rice can be one the most infuriating dishes to cook with out the proper cookware. You get pieces that are still hard, some that is soggy, and some that is burnt. The electric rice cooker will put an end to poorly cooked rice problem. This cooker is so advanced you simply choose what kind of rice you want to cook and push as few buttons and your job is done. The machine will do the rest of the thinking for you which is great because by the end of the day just about every one is brain dead any way.

The cooker will even keep the rice at serving temperature for up to 12 hours. This is great for holidays and family dinners. This is a must have product for any one who wants to make the best rice possible. There is even a bonus: this rice cooker will also make cheesecake and sponge cakes for all those who favor dessert over real food!

Rated the best electric rice cooker by Hammacher Schlemmer, it lets you select what kind of rice you’re cooking as well as how to cook it.

Price: $159.95
(Please note prices are subject to change and the listed price is correct to the best of our knowledge at the time of posting)

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